Went fishing on last Sunday afternoon with my dad. We go in the creek at our farm. I got 3 or 4 nibbles but only caught one. One tiny sad little fish, I felt bad b/c he was so small! Dad thankfully took him off the hook (he always does, b/c I can't deal with that part) This isn't why I don't take the fish off the hooks, but when I was 5 I got a fish hook in my thumb! It got caught on my dress, I didn't know what it was so I tried to brush it off. Well I brushed it into my thumb! It went in one side of my thumb and out the other!! My parents rushed me to the hospital, which took about 2o minutes, the whole time I'm screaming my head off! All turned out well, the doctors took it out, and my parents bought me ice cream afterward.
It was really great to be away from technology and noises, and to just be out in the country. Very calming and peaceful.
Tuesday night I went out with some friends and I sang Karaoke! I've never done it before, but have always wanted to! My friend Katie and I sang Hall & Oates "make my dreams come true"
we wanted to sing a beatles song, but they didn't have it.
Thursday I went flying with my dad at Lafayette Aviation. He is a retired pilot. It was great, except as soon as we took off my head started to hurt so much! It kinda ruined the whole time for me, but I was still glad I went. Then later that night I had my astronomy lab and it was the first time we got to go outside to look at the stars. We charted constellations, saw the milky way galaxy, jupiter, and the andromeda galaxy. I saw two shooting stars! Such a beautiful night!
After school today, my mom called and said that a family friend would be flying through Lafayette. He couldn't land, due to some law about government contracts and gasoline. So He just did a few touch-and-go's. I saw him fly over our neighborhood in the T-4 he was flying.
That was very cool.
Now I'm just trying to decide what to do for dinner.....I'm SO hungry....Bruno dough sounds good
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