I love fashion. It is pretty shallow, and maybe meanless when you get right down to the important things in life, but never the less, I still admire it. Some things that I see when looking at certain fashion sites are outrageous and stupid, and also they can make you think. Like the legs worn by Aimee Mullins, which were designed by Alexander McQueen, which I had seen on a fashion site long before I saw her TED talk.
Fashion and Technology go hand in hand I think. You can not have advancements in fashion without technology. I saw on one website a pair of shoes that had a nintendo game boy in the heel, so you could just pop it out and theoretically play anytime. Whether this is a viable thing to do, who knows, but the fact that someone thought of it is cool.

Another cool cross between fashion and tech is light up dresses. I've seen light up dresses before but none like the one at the Chicago Science and Industry Museum.
Here is another pair of shoes that is amazing by Christian Louboutin

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